To create a dedicated business identity for Cochrane…
Cochrane successfully thrives under the umbrella term,
Until the inception of the Cochrane Business District there has not been a dedicated independent business identity for Cochrane’s Business sector.
The Business Development Strategic Plan 2020-2030* created an incredible vision for Cochrane’s economic and business future with many objectives successfully executed.
The Cochrane Business District has been established to provide a clear marketable business identity to promote Cochrane as a business destination.
A functional and universally recognised name was required, The Cochrane Business District was conceived and operates under the its web domain of
The Cochrane Business District now rises from its foundations, established to unite all businesses in Cochrane to connect clients with products and services, attract new businesses and grow the business landscape to provide employment opportunities for the citizens of Cochrane.
The Approach
Designed to compliment the dedication and professionalism of Cochrane’s business powerhouses
The Town of Cochrane
The Cochrane Incubator
The Cochrane Chamber of Commerce
Providing a free service to Cochrane Businesses by utilizing the new Business Directory with corporate video option.
Creating a united group of Cochrane Businesses to collectively enhance global online presence.
Consumers, Existing Businesses, Relocating & New businesses represented on one platform.
Collaborate with Cochrane.Business & to grow your business and brand.